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R.I.P HM Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022

today8 September 2022 70 1 5

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HM Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926 at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London. She was the first child of The Duke and Duchess of York.

Sadly passing us by on 8th September 2022 at the age of 96. Although she weakened as age took its toll in her final years her mind was said to be as sharp as ever. No doubt the loss of her one true love, her support, her mischievously humorous husband, her soul mate Philip The Duke of Edinburgh contributed to her recent decline.

All, no matter whether a royalist or not, could dispute her devotion to duty, her love to her people and the dedication of her life from the tender age of 25 years our Queen, then to go on and becoming the longest British reigning monarch ever. Many believe, she would want to be remembered for her love of life and the devoted manner of which she gave to her direction and care to her family that she guided through some incredibly difficult times, never losing her dignity and respect for and from all.

Most of us have never known another British monarch, her strength, her smile, and the most famed wave in history will be sorely missed. Her family will be rudderless for a time as they not just mourn for this great lady, but for a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother, but also their Queen too.
She will hopefully join her beloved Philip, and no one should be sad of that.

A Queen of all Queens, a mother of a nation, a person whose dignity, strength and words of comfort and guidance will be remembered for many decades to come, we, your loyal subjects, salute you one last time ma’am.

Written by: Derek

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