The Unchained Show

The Unchained Show with Derek 7-9pm Friday 8th July 2022

today8 July 2022 48 1

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2 hours of mixed Music, usually with a theme – genre, decade, facts & history, instrument focus, pioneers & game changers.

A dedicated slot featuring new artists & bands, gig updates and announcements across this show and the station.

Get in touch via:

derek@smileradio.onlie to be featured on the shows & station!


WREX - 'Paradise'

Brighton based band WREX, formed in early 2020 out of a mutual love for music and lust for life, WREX announced themselves in May 2021, and have since released 5 singles that have already held airtime on the likes of Kerrang! Radio, Planet Rock, BBC Sussex & Surrey (Introducing) and KISS FM (remix).

The band produces everything from home with producer George Donoghue (River Becomes Ocean, The Rocket Dolls) at the helm.

For their last single Sleepless, WREX took their blue-collar work ethic to a new level, pushing their boundaries of DIY creation; taking on set design and build, prosthetics, and more for their music video.

“360 creativity allows the opportunity to truly execute our vision and have more fun in the process. Each aspect of the videos we create and become an extension of the lyrics. This is allowing a new level of creativity for us which we feel represents our approach to music.”

ABOUT THE SONG – Paradise:

 Paradise is for those who have, or want, to take back control of their lives. Being in any kind of toxic relationship will take its toll, being told who and what you are, so often that you start to believe it yourself. This song fights the urge to keep the relationship together, whilst knowing that it sure as hell ain’t good! Love/hate at its finest.

WHO: WREX – Mae Seaton (vocals) & George Donoghue (guitar, bass, vocals, drums, production).

INSPIRATION: Enter Shikari, While She Sleeps, The Cardigans.

 FOR FANS OF: Enter Shikari, Bring Me The Horizon, RedHook

FUTURE PLANS: Our debut EP; Paradise will be out on 29/07/2022, featuring 2 singles to be released over the coming months, as well as a further 2 tracks to come out with the EP.

Live shows are finally in the works! Being a duo, it makes it a little tricky figuring out who does what on stage, but luckily we’ve managed to rope in a few very talented musicians to play with us, so gigs will be on the cards later this year!

GIGS: Keep your eyes peeled

Emma Scott – Plugginbaby

Rob Mills – ‘Anarchapulco The Place To Be’

Midlands based guitarist, now living in Mexico.

This new track from the ex-Diamond Head guitarist is to help raise money for 2 Marsh orphanages in Mexico.

Mastered by Andy MacNevin at AM productions, same guitarist with EradiKAtor and Sound Engineer again based in the West Midlands.

In 1 week we raised nearly 2000 dollars and we want to keep on supporting this amazing organisation in Bonfil, Acapulco!  

Here are the 2 main ways you can donate-

Buy your own copy of this Rockin track now on bandcamp for as much as you care to pledge! 

Donate & information links below

Dorothy - 'Gifts From The Holy Ghosts' Smile Radio's Song Of The Week

Dorothy are a band from LA, formed in 2014 and fronted by lead singer Dorothy Martin.

Stating “We wanted to make songs we think Beavis and Butthead would like” when first jamming together – to now bringing out their third studio album.

The newest album (released April 2022), Gifts From The Holy Ghost, is built on triumph and healing experiences, created to unify listeners and share in having a purpose in life.

Dorothy Martin’s life turned around when she stopped using drugs and alcohol along with seeing her guitar technician die of an overdose and then being revived. She mentions that her spiritual awakening came through these events and decided to be a service to other people.

She said: “Instead of what I can get from them, or get out of them. Instead of having transactional relationships, I’m having faith and love and service based relationships. It’s a much better way to live for sure.”

Now, whether you believe in spirituality or not, I think everyone can get behind the message of unity and being of service to other people. And that unity really shines through in the titles track, Gifts from the Holy Ghost.

And that’s why it’s our song of the week!

Written by: Derek

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