Featured Bands

The Unchained Show – Featured Artist – Disquiet, Black Country – ‘Eton Mess’

today11 March 2022 143 2

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Disquiet, Black Country - 'Eton Mess'

Forming in the summer of 2020, Disquiet, Black Country are Alex and Claire; both band veterans. Alex, from Peel favourites Maps of Jupiter and Scottish lo-fi treasures Thee Moths. Claire, from Midlands-based legends Onyx and Hot Roxx, renowned for their headline shows, packing out venues such as Robin 2.

Alex plays bass and sings; Claire plays drums and shouts. They both write the songs and lyrics. The band has picked up radio play on various UK and international stations, as well as recording live sessions and interviews for Regal Radio in Scotland and Resonance FM in London.

At the end of 2021, Black Country Xtra radio ran a two-hour interview and feature on the band, taking in a track-by-track rundown of their debut album, ‘A Dystopian Present’.

Their debut album is made up of eight short, punky tunes addressing the perilous state of Britain under the damaging rule of a corrupt government. The songs are directly and unapologetically political. Addressing: austerity, MP voting records, privatisation of publicly owned utilities, ongoing COVID confusion and growing geopolitical tensions. The music matches it’s subject matter; a thunderous roar of noise created by just two people, with nothing but drums, a bass guitar, a raft of cleverly chosen effects pedals and vocals.

The album was recorded at home by the band over a long weekend in August 2021, and the sleeve art was painted by Teenage Fanclub/Mogwai legend Brendan O’Hare. The companion remix album: A Spanned Posterity,  featuring reworkings by Mood Taeg, The Alien Cormorant, Ghost Drones et al, was released at the start of 2022.

This year will see more live shows and a steady stream of single releases.

The band’s music can be heard on all the streaming services and can be bought at http://disquietblackcountry.bandcamp.com

CreatorBarn - Networking & Promtion Group

Written by: Derek

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