Song of the Week

Smile Radio’s Song Of The Week 12th February 2023 – Colour Me Wrong by Dani Townsend

today12 February 2023 127 2

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Smile Radio’s Song of the Week, with a new track selected and played across all shows for an entire week, every week! 

Colour Me Wrong - Dani Townsend

I’m inspired by my Mum. She makes me feel empowered and like my story is worthy of telling. So that’s what I do, I write my stories in my songs.

My ambition is to start prioritising my music inside my busy life of being a working single Mum. I enjoy the whole process, and the end result of hopefully being able to touch some people’s hearts or sing about things they may have felt before, is so special to me.

Favourite Artist
My musical taste stretches from Ben Platt and anything from a Musical, through to Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath! If it makes me feel something, then I love it, regardless of genre.

About me
I’ve always been an emotional person, even as a child…my family would have to host funerals for my balloons when they burst!

One of my fondest memories is dancing around the house with my sister and Mum, singing Zephyr Song into a hairbrush. We actually all have matching tattoos with those lyrics now!

I love to wear mismatching shoes, ’cause I like to feel different to the crowd!

I grew up in the biggest family of girls, and whenever we go out mob handed there are 8 of us girls and a couple wayward dogs…so we’re known locally as ‘that crazy loud family’, but we wouldn’t change it for the world.

One of my favourite things to do is sing Defying Gravity on karaoke at the top of my lungs in my Mum’s kitchen with all my sisters arguing that it’s their turn next!

Written by: Derek

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