Doc Martin


Working along a brilliant business partner Glenn, (Mr Smile IT Guru), I am, for my many sins, Doc Martin at your service, very aptly supported by my wife Tracy, gorgeous and very organised, (thank goodness one of us is!!!) Now with our daughter Emma, also weighing in considerably with her resolute support.


I don’t do ordinary. A true workaholic, (only just come round to finally admitting that) with engineering background, many years with Outside Broadcasting and an overwhelming passion for radio. You see, I want to help you paint your picture, (not achievable on other medias, i.e., TV and film)

I want to colour your distant musical memories with every flavour from heartache to romance, from sadness to total joy. Music is life, our greatest ever achievement, universal, fundamental. I find people who have no love of music miss out tremendously.

Now, you may well hear me ‘pop’ in now and again with some vague show here or there, trying to grab your attention. Also popping in on one or two broadcasts, (i.e., Boggy on the Ball… not to be missed…but not for the feint-hearted) with mischievous endeavour.

I have had the pleasure of meeting a wide array of personalities, from my hero George Best, (beautiful person through and through) to Big Sam Allardyce, (unceremoniously dragged into my ON-AIR studio, literally by Tracy…’OK…OK… 5 minutes Doc..5 minutes only….’ Ahhhh! a truly great 90-minute interview).

The now-departed, but outstanding, heavenly soul, Linda Billingham, (Bless her), the anecdotal mischief maker Ricky, (Kaiser’s) The absolutely effervescent and gorgeous Cleo Rocco, (many a jive with that great lady… with my wife’s blessing!).

Alas. Also the notoriety of dressing up as a female, slapped up and high heels and stockings, for a night out on the town, for swimming the Midmar Dam, (each way) and the Calpe straits, suntan-sprayed semi-naked in a shop window, (not so much with Tracy’s permission, more pressganged by her and other far too willing anarchists!!) and of course, flown a plane, done the Ape Tree top challenge and ran the London Marathon 5 times, All for charity, CERTAINLY none for pleasure…. well … maybe the female night being an exception, where I ended up socking a very unsuspecting rugby fella for swearing at my wife, (I could see that expression on his face as it landed, “who is this woman????”).

Mom said “get a trade, son, you will never be out of work”
So, I did…. although the work wasn’t always my trade?

I wanted to try every task laid open to me and I have a tale a plenty for every one of them, from roadworks to arial erection, Sweet-making to insurance sales, from caring for dementia patients to personal chef, (lasted 2 days before being fired… for not being able to cook?) from DJ to waiting on to Lords and Ladies who were amazed at my deep-fried chips, which ironically, almost went on to cost Tracy and I our lives thanks to my chip pan antics, but what a fire! New apartment one day, smouldering ruins the next… Sadly, not the first time I have put our lives into very serious risk and danger indeed…the list is long….and she is still with me!!??

Borne from a family that ranged from Romany Gypsies to highest ranking members of the Gentry, what chance did I ever have of being normal?

Love life, love people and it and they will love you back!!!!

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