Featured Bands

Featured Artist – Learn To Lie – The Unchained Show – Friday 1st April 7-9pm

today31 March 2022 174

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Learn To Lie - 'Smile'

Song meaning:
‘Smile’ is about being forced to put on a happy front. Inside you could be really enjoying yourself but there will always be that one person asking “Why aren’t you smiling?” 

Alternatively, it could be that you’re having a bad day but there will always be that one person saying to “put on a smile” and carry on. It seems that our society wants us to put on a happy front all of the time. Far too often we are told to mask our true feelings with a smile to “put on a brave face”. 

Smile shows the thought process of being told to “put on a show” for the world and carrying on but in the end accepting that it doesn’t change how you feel, just prolongs your emotions.

You don’t have to smile to be happy. You don’t have to smile to hide your sadness.

The Band

Courtney Hurcombe – Vocals + Lyrics
Andy Burns – Guitar + Bass
Matt Jones – Drums

The band are also involved with an upcoming charity event in May for Mental Health UK
Links below

CreatorsBarn - Network & Promotion Group

Written by: Derek

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